Read This Before Calling brampton criminal defence lawyer


You’ve been pulled over, arrested, and charged with drunk driving. Now you need a criminal defence lawyer to represent you in court. You might be wondering what you should do before you call the law office and get the best brampton criminal defence lawyer

It is highly recommended that you read on, as this contains some of the best advice on how to choose the right criminal defence lawyer for your case, what your attorney can and cannot do for you, and how to find out if an arraignment court date is set. Read below to learn more about what a criminal defence lawyer can do for you!

What You Need to Know Before Calling

When you’re thinking about hiring a criminal defence lawyer, there are a few things to keep in mind before calling.

First, know what you want the brampton criminal defence lawyer to do for you. Do you need a lawyer to represent your case in court? Or would you prefer someone who can help with the paperwork? You may even need representation for both cases depending on your situation.

Secondly, find out when your arraignment court date is set. This will help determine if an attorney needs any more time before they can take on your case.

Lastly, finding out how much the lawyer charges per hour is important because some charge by flat rate while others charge by hours.  It’s good to have this information ready so that when you call for help, making arrangements will be much simpler and faster!

How to Choose the Right Lawyer

Before you start looking for a criminal defence lawyer, think about the following:

  • What services does your lawyer offer?
  • How much do they charge?
  • How many years of experience do they have?
  • Is their office conveniently located for you?
  • Do they specialize in your type of legal problem?

Arranging an Arraignment Court Date

If you’ve been arrested or charged with a criminal offence, one more thing to do is to arrange for an arraignment date. You should call the court where the arraignment is scheduled and ask what time and date it is taking place. 

The clerk will ask you for your name and contact information. The next step is to find out what time and day of the week it takes place. Once you know that, you need to contact your lawyer so they can appear on your behalf at the arraignment hearing. This ensures that bail conditions are set accordingly and that there won’t be any unnecessary delays in your case later on down the road.

Once an arraignment date has been set, it is important to follow through with this process as soon as possible so that all of these procedures may be completed as quickly as possible.